Ways to teach children time management skills

School is very busy and for an adult life can be busier still. Helping your child to learn to manage their time from an early age is equipping them with a useful skill forever.

What are the benefits of learning time management?

The ability to manage time effectively:

  • Reduces stress. There is nothing more stressful than leaving homework or work projects until the last minute.
  • Means more time for fun activities and friends.
  • Leads to better outcomes at school and at work.
  • Increases independence and develops a sense of responsibility.
  • Improves decision-making skills.
  • Brings the satisfaction that comes with completing tasks.

Downtime is important

There are so many after school activities available and children’s homework load can be so heavy that they can feel overwhelmed. It is important that children do not feel overloaded, whatever the circumstances.

Do not fear boredom because it can be beneficial. Children need to be able to let their minds rest and wander for their own mental wellbeing. When children have to find ways to entertain themselves they become more creative and develop the ability to solve problems for themselves. For more about this read, The Benefits of Boredom.

It helps children to learn that effective time management means there is free time to relax, play and just sit for a while.

Learning to prioritise

Effective time management involves prioritising tasks. Children learn to prioritise from an early age through normal daily routines ‘first…’, ‘next…’ and ‘last…’ For example, when you get home from school first you wash your hands and then you have a snack.

Older children begin to understand prioritising in view of longer-term goals. ‘I do my homework before I play a game so that I will pass my GCSE’.

Motivate children to prioritise by encouraging them to think about the reasons why they need to complete one task before another. ‘Why do you think you need to wash your hands before you have a snack?’ ‘Why is it important to finish your maths homework before you play a game?’

Tips for teaching time management

  1. Be a good role model. Show how you manage your own time wisely and that you’re not always missing deadlines or running late. When this does happen let your child see the consequences.
  2. Show your child how you make lists of tasks to complete and tick off. Encourage them to do the same.
  3. Help an older child to create a schedule by giving them a diary or planner that might be in paper form or an app on a phone.
  4. Make sure your child doesn’t over schedule their time. It’s important to have fun and just ‘be’.
  5. Support your child to prioritize activities and make choices. There might be a time clash between one activity and another, or it might be that trying to do two activities on the same day will be too much.
  6. Encourage your child to establish routines. If your child knows what they need to do as soon as they get home from school, they won’t waste time trying to decide what to do.
  7. Limit electronics. Too many hours can vanish in a whirl of social media or computer games. Set time limits and establish rules.
  8. Help your child to set their own goals. If they want to get into a sports team, for example, how much practice do they need to do each day or each week?
  9. Set rules and expectations for your child, but don’t constantly remind them to complete tasks. Feeling the consequences of leaving homework until the last minute, for example, can be memorable. Sometimes your child will genuinely miscalculate how long a project takes to complete – help them to learn from their mistakes.

Is your child studying towards exams?

Our experienced tutors support children studying for SATs, Common Entrance Exams, GCSEs and A/AS levels. We recognise the importance of teaching children not just the subject matter but other skills, such as time management, that will help them to succeed now and in later life.

We offer maths, English, science, humanities and language tuition both remotely and face-to-face, subject to local lockdowns. To find out more email hello@tutormykids.co.uk or telephone 01223 858 421

How to balance extra-curricular activities with academic studies

Whether you are at school, college or university it is very important to get the balance right between academic studies and extra-curricular activities. Your studies are important for your future success but extra-curricular activities enable you to develop an array of social, communication, cognitive and physical skills, as well as contributing to your happiness.

Here are some tips to help you to best manage your time:

Studies come first

This is true no matter what. To make the most of your education, it’s important that you attend your classes and do your best to learn so that you can achieve your goals. Falling behind now will cause you stress and panic later.

Choose extracurricular activities wisely

You cannot do everything. With some activities it is not enough to attend, you also have to practise at home. Pick only those activities that really interest you and stick to two or three at the most. If you do too much it’s not just your studies that will come under pressure. You need a healthy social life and time to relax as well.

Manage your time

To ensure a healthy balance between your academic workload, extra-curricular activities, social life and relaxing time consider making yourself a schedule. This will help you to see whether you are managing your time smartly or if any changes need to be made.


There will be certain times, such as when exams are looming or assignments are due that you must prioritize your studies. Equally, if you have a dance performance you will need to allow time for rehearsals. Think about what is most important to you at this moment in time. If you have an exam, can you stop any extra-curricular activities for a while? If you have rehearsals to attend, can you minimise study time and catch up later? Talk to your parents or tutors if you are not sure what to do.

Stay healthy

Staying healthy is key to keeping your stress levels low and your energy levels high, enabling you to manage your lifestyle.

  • Eat and drink well. A balanced diet and drinking plenty of water is important for you to be able to function on every level. Without good nutrition you will be prone to fatigue and illness. To live a full life you need to be alert and energetic.
  • Sleep well. For more about this, see our post, ‘Why is sleep important for academic success?
  • Keep fit. As well as keeping you physically fit and warding off the germs, exercise is brilliant for your mental wellbeing as it relieves stress. Pick the kind of exercise you most enjoy so that you are more likely to stick with it. It’s a great idea to choose something physical as one of your extra-curricular activities.

Take study breaks

Studying for too long can result in depression and memory loss. It is very important to plan breaks into your study time. For every 45 minutes of study you need to take a ten minute break to recharge. This might be to go for a short walk or just to make yourself a drink.

Breaks actually benefit your work in other ways too. After taking a break you may find that a tricky concept suddenly becomes clear, or that you are more able to see where to make changes to a piece of writing.

Seek advice

At TutorMyKids we understand how important it is for you to achieve a healthy work/life balance. Our tutors can help you to make a realistic timetable that enables you to manage your studies effectively.

Call or email us for a chat: hello@tutormykids.co.uk, 01223 858 421